Ryan “6-PACK” Lapadat
Mount Olympus
I came into physical form July the 6th, 1979
Cloud Nine, though I descend to perform feats of strength when called upon.
5´9˝ (I claim higher to cute girls)
Two, left and right.
As thick as a pillar.
I have my grandmother’s thighs.
Yes, veal is high in protein.
Not since I started powerlifting. I barely miss it.
I’ve got to be double D at this point.
Over two bills. They say any man under two bills is only an ugly girl.
Squats in one hour (123,000 pounds)
Deadlifts in one hour (95,000 pounds)
Both broken on the same day! July 16, 2010
Contest History
2011 World Championships of Powerlifting (WDFPF), two bronze and a silver medals.
2008 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation – National Record Deadlift, 205.0 kg, Open and 25–29 82.5 kg Class
2008 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation – National Record Bench Press, 147.5 kg, Open and 25–29 82.5 kg Class
2008 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation – National Record Strict Curl, 65 kg, Open 82.5 kg Class
The reason I started to do powerlifting/strongman events is...
I absolutely love weightlifting. Everyone has something they are good at. Some can run fast. Some can jump high. Some can throw a ball. I was born to do this.
The person I most wanted to be when I started was...
Me. I just want to be the best I can be. When I was a kid, I didn’t dream of being someone else. I never dreamed of being Spider-Man or the Hulk. I dreamed of me being a superhero, and it was actually me with super-strength.
The person I owe the most to is...
The Iron Foundation. They opened my eyes to how you need to lift for strength. Alex Drolc, a legendary powerlifter in his own right, brought me in. It’s been crazy ever since.
Complete list of strongman displays I’ve performed...
I have towed school buses and towed planes, and I look forward to pulling ferryboats to shore and flipping cars.
The supplements I can’t live without are...
I’ve been taking PURPLE•K long before I became a FUSION athlete. That’s the real deal. FUSION introduced me to ZEUS and I love it. I also take whey protein every day, three times a day.
The best thing about training is...
You get as much out of it as you put into it.
My ultimate goal is...
To live with no regrets.
One thing every gym rat should know is...
Break parallel in squats, touch your chest in bench, and dead from the floor without wraps … trust me … just trust me … when you pass me on the street in three years, you can thank me.
Years I’ve been training...
What I enjoy most about what I do is...
Being able to have an impact on people and make them believe again.
Four things people should know about me is...
▪ When I was a kid, I used to dream of being a superhero when I grew up and using my super-strength to help people.
▪ When I got older, I let my dreams go. I didn’t believe in myself. I doubted myself and had an intense fear of failure. It ran my life for years.
▪ I now chase my dreams and don’t wait for anyone else to tell me it’s possible for me to achieve them.
▪ I still feel fear of failure every time I step out there. Now, I master my fear.
My future holds...
Greatness. Keep up on me at www.6packlapadat.com and see for yourself.