Emmannuelle Ethier
Laval, Quebec, Canada
August 25, 1983
L’Assomption, Quebec
124 lbs
Contest History
2014 April 20th - WBFF Montréal, QC - Fitness Diva Tall Category: Placed 1st & Pro-Card
2013 November 9th - WBFF Rhode Island, USA - Fitness Diva Tall Category: Placed 8th
The reason I started training is...
because I used to be a basketball player and love being athletic but I was just too skinny for my taste. So I decided to start weight training and build myself a new body; I was determined to become a lean muscle machine!
The person I most wanted to be when I started was...
I didn’t really have someone I was idolizing; I was more trying to be a better version of myself.
The person I owe the most to is...
my girlfriend Tanya. She has been exceedingly supportive through my entire fitness journey. Every push, press and pull in the gym she is my spot, every sore and achy muscle and low carb day she is my rock.
The supplements I can't live without are...
GLUTAMEND, STRONGMAN, FUBAR and Chocolate Iso-Whey Protein powder.
The best thing about training is...
that it is immensely therapeutic for the mind, body and soul.
Two things I would change about competitions are...
perhaps a more comfortable backstage setup and if someone could invent a spray tan that smells like chocolate that would be much appreciated.
My ultimate goal is...
to make top 5 at World in Vegas sometime within the near future.
Years I’ve been training...
14 years.
What I enjoy most about competing is...
that it motivates me to push my limits and transform my body in a more extreme fashion. I love the last few weeks of prep when you really see all the small details of your hard work and sacrifice. However, the best part of competing is meeting all the other competitors and sharing the experience with like-minded people.
The thing I hate most about stepping up onstage is...
fearing that I will take a massive wipeout and face-plant in front of everyone.
The day I got my pro card I...
Threw my arms up into the air on stage as if I scored the winning touchdown at the super bowl... not
my most delicate moment on stage but definitely my proudest thus far.
The pros I most look forward to being onstage with are...
Julie Bonnett, Andreia Brazier, and Jen Jewell.
The one thing every competing bodybuilder (fitness model) should know is...
It’s not about how you place but how hard you challenged yourself and being proud of your accomplishments.
One bodybuilding (fitness) secret I discovered is...
there are no secrets. Just dedicate your goals to being the best version of
yourself. You get what you give, so give it your all!